Promoting cultural competency among the NJIT community.
NJIT counts its diversity, of person and of thought, among its greatest strengths and seeks to foster an environment characterized by openness, fairness, and equal access for all. We endeavor to be a welcoming and inclusive campus with a culture grounded in mutual respect and nurtured by dialogue and civil interaction. This lies at the foundation of our educational model, so maintaining a respect for individual needs, abilities, and potential is critically important.
Therefore, during the 2021-2022 academic year, NJIT will undertake a campus climate assessment. In order to ensure full transparency and to provide a more complete perspective, we have contracted with Rankin & Associates Consulting, LLC to help lead this effort. Rankin & Associates has conducted more than 200 campus climate assessment projects over the last 20 years. Their team will be working with a committee of students, staff, and faculty from NJIT to develop and implement our assessment.
The results of this study will be shared with the campus community and will be used to identify opportunities to take actions that will improve the campus climate for all.
This effort will enhance our ability to develop programs and policies that will increase inclusivity in areas that may be lagging and will help us enhance and replicate programs and policies that are shown to be successfully meeting the needs of our community.
A climate project web site is being developed to serve as a hub for communication on the project and to report the study’s results. We will share this site and additional information about the project once it is available.
I hope you will join me in supporting this important project.